“Out of a desire to have a healthy and welcoming home to our precious baby girl, I decided early on in my pregnancy with Zo that I wanted to have a postpartum doula by my side.
Typical Hospital childbirth in the US results in most new moms being discharged after just a couple days, not to be seen again for 6 weeks unless there are complications. This “six week gap” is where I needed the most support, and having Ann Maynard-Payne of Tampa Bay Postpartum Doula Svs come in with her skills, kindness and education has allowed me to really focus on building a special bond with my baby girl.
She is a can-do, hands-on, pro-active healer, healthy nourishing meal and snack-maker, perfect bed making and light chores doing ninja who always encourages my overall health and well-being on all levels…Yet somehow she does all this while also remaining free from judgement. (Not to mention she knows exactly how to fold all the teeny baby clothes exactly how I like!)
I’m eternally grateful to you for helping our family stay in orbit even though baby Zo came to rock our world. 💜💜
If you are pregnant or planning to be pregnant, contact Ann and consider adding her services to your baby registry instead of all the fancy baby stuff you don’t need. ❤️”